
Lapajne: “I’d like to congratulate my teammates as well as BSU on a good outing“
Lapajne scores six, adds nine assists as Tatran sail past BSU
Goluza: ”We respect BSU but winning is a must for us in this one!”
Koksharov: “I'm glad we won with a lot of guys who usually don't play as much“
Dibirov with 11 and Atman with 10 goals carry Vardar to another victory
Vujovic: “We knew how hard it is to play Nexe in Nasice“
Motor finish off strongly grabbing three points in Nasice
Vujovic: “I have to say I missed this city and these fans“
PPD Zagreb with another “single-goal“ win versus Eurofarm Rabotnik
7M - Sasa Barisic Jaman: ”Handball will still live in Nasice, even after our loss in Lisbon!”