Cervar: 'Our goal is to play better every time'

PPD Zagreb - Izvidjac 36:25 (20:5)
(Ravnic 6, Eres 5, Jotic 10 assists / Delic 6, Alilovic 4)
Mario Bjelis, Izvidjac coach:
We've opened the match disastrously bad allowing Zagreb to open the gap quickly with a whole lot of easy goals. In the first half we simply weren't able to recover from that and our performance was obviously really bad in that period. In the second half we were better but quality difference was way too obvious today so I can't really say anything else but congratulate Zagreb and wish them all the best in matches to come.
Lino Cervar, PPD Zagreb coach:
We were better today obviously but I didn’t like the fact we slowed down later into the match, lost focus on a few occasions. There were many good things and moments in our game today but it’s always important to focus on what was not good. Goal is to minimize turnovers, have as little ups and downs as possible and simply strive to play better each time we step out there.
Domagoj Alilovic, Izvidjac player:
We were aware of the fact this was going to be a tough match. Our first-half performance was horrific. In the second half we’ve managed to play a bit better but it was still not our best handball. I believe this team can play way better, we’ve already proved that this season and I’m sure we’ll keep on proving it in matches to come.
Josip Eres, PPD Zagreb player:
After the defeat in Nasice we were fully motivated to deliver a quality performance today. We were really good in the first half and later tried to do the same in the second but it didn’t really happen. Now we’re turning towards the match against Steaua which will be the final test for us ahead of the Champions League opener versus Szeged.