SEHA GSS helps people in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia

SEHA GAZPROM SOUTH STREAM LEAGUE will take part in helping people whose lifes are endangered and properties either destroyed or damaged in floods in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. Here are also other information about how to help:
To help people in Croatia
You can take part:
- paying on Croatian Caritas' bank account:
IBAN HR05 2340 0091 1000 8034 0 (175)
- calling telephone number for other donations 060 9010 (6,25kn per call, VAT included)
- on-line payments
- paying on their bank account IBAN: HR 6923400091511555516 (08) - in case you are paying from abroad use SWIFT: PBZGHR2X
- calling telephone number 060 90 11 (6,25 kn per call, VAT included)
- on-line donations or on Croatian Red Cross' website
To help people in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- paying on bank account IBAN: HR 6923400091511555516 (05)
- on-line donations on Croatian Red Cross' website
To help people in Serbia
- paying on bank account IBAN: HR 6923400091511555516 (07)
- on-line donations on Croatian Red Cross' website