F4 SPECIAL Tatran Presov Dominant league winners

Slovak champion Tatran from Presov had from the beginning been an irreplaceable member of SEHA society. Their biggest success was second place in the first regular season with 49 points and F4 in Zagreb where Metalurg was better than them in semi-final. In the second season they have managed to get 35 points which was in the end not enough for Skopje and new F4. This year they are coming to Novi Sad as number one from the regular part of the season with 45 points, five more than the second-positioned team - CO Zagreb. They have with 15 wins and only 3 losses showed great progress for which their coach Peter Hatalcik has the biggest responsibility. They have even managed to get into EHF Cup's ('little Champions League') group phase.
Tatran has for years been the most famous product of Slovak handball as well as SEHA League. They are playing recognizably fast and fluent handball.
Team has many great individuals like Latvian giant and this season's SEHA GSS League's TOP scorer (101) Dainis Kristopans, Slovak wingers Radoslav Antl and Tomas Urban along with Czech Jakub Hrstka and Tomas Cip. Svetislav Verkić and Jakub Krupa make a great goalkeeping duo and Montenegrin NT player Žarko Pejović gives them strenght in both attack and defense. With Oliver Rabek who is back from injury, pivot Andrej Petro and trequartista Alexander Radčenko they have potential for big achievements.
For SEHA GSS website, Tatran's captain and Slovak national team player - Radoslav Antl.
SEHAGSS: What do you think about SEHA GSS League's season 2013/14 compared with earlier seasons?
RA - I think that SEHA GSS League has moved one step forward this season. I see improvements in organizing matches i.e. playing halls, court floors, LED panels, commercial sponsor stickers, press conferences, web page etc. From the game point of view there was much more matches of higher quality.
SEHAGSS: What do you think of your semi-final opponent?
RA - Tough opponent with high ambitions that would surely like to play in final. For sure they will be well prepared for this match so we have to do the same, prepare for this match and then during the match stay focused and follow coach's directions.
SEHAGSS: Which team do you see as main favorite for the title?
RA - It's hard to say. In this stage any team can win this tournament, but in my opinion I would give the best chances to Vardar Skopje.