7 METERS: Radoslav Antl (Tatran Presov)
My only remaining dream is Bundesliga.

1M: This is your third season in SEHA GSS league. Are you noticing any changes from the first two?
- The biggest change is quality of league's participants. The whole league is now on a much higher level than it used to be. Everything seems to be working better, players, referees, sponsors, crowd, league's coverage in media. Investment is obviously starting to be much more visible...
2M:. Can you shortly describe your playing career. You've never tried to play in German Bundesliga like many players from Slovakia?
- My career is a long story. I was first playing in Kosice (98' to 01'), then moved to Arac Kyushu, Japan (01' to 03'), after which I came to Tatran (03' to 05'). After that I was playing in Grasshoppers (05' to 07'), Amicitia Zürich (07' to 09') and then finally came back to Presov. I have also, in 2005., signed contract with German TUSEM Essen which was competing in Bundeliga, but then after they've had some financial problems my transfer simply didn't happen. With it, I've lost chances to play in Bundeliga which is surely Europe's best league.
3M: Slovak handball is last years always close to the top but never goes 'all the way'. Why?
- Slovak handball is making great progress. We've been on five championships and I believe we deserve respect and support. Younger players are still not on the highest possible level to replace older teammates but I am sure SEHA will be an important factor of their growing up.
4M: Tatran missed last year's Final Four but this season will, speaking about results, be their great come-back. Did coach changing have any influence on that?
- Last season we've had a lack of luck in our home matches against Zagreb and Vardar and those were main reasons we weren't pariticipating on Final Four. This season we're on a right way to get back to where we were in the first season. We are well positioned but still have to fight and be aware that everything is 'open' until the end. Competition is really great.
5M: Who are in your opinion Final Four candidates and why?
- My candidates are Zagreb, Tatran, Vardar and Metalurg. I believe these teams have required quality. Meshkov has on the other hand reinforced and it will be a very close race in the end.
6M: How much has SEHA raised Slovak handball quality? Not many people know that you've even played the Hungarian league...
- We have played many tough matches in the league and it surely affects complete Slovak handball. We're playing good in EHF's Cup too which confirms it. We used to play 'Czechoslovak' league and have even competed in Hungarian league. Our domestic league doesn't provide much chances to become better. SEHA is really helping us and with it our quality is constantly rising.
7M: Does Radoslav Antl see himself in handball even after playing career?
- I'd surely like to transfer my knowledge on younger players. I see myself in handball for sure, as a coach, manager, anyone who can help his team become better and after all help Slovak handball. However, I'm still not thinking about it much. I'm still scoring goals.