7 METERS: Branislav Obradovic (Borac m:tel)

1M: Are you satisfied with your team’s result in SEHA GSS league?
I am satisfied when I see the situation we’re in. Team was formed in October when we have started to play better, improve our game and win some points.
It is in my opinion a great thing for us to play the SEHA GSS league to see where we currently are, speaking of handball quality in the region.
2M: In the last few matches in Borik it is visible that number of supporters is rising. How much does a full hall mean to you?
Banja Luka has always been a sport loving city, and handball has by that always been something special. Some of the greatest names of complete world handball were rising and learning here. Sport is, in the end, played for the supporters and it is always great to play in front of the full hall. That is an additional motive. Their support means a lot to us.
3M: You have played in Serbia, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, France... Where did you learn the most?
I have tried to learn as much as possible from each coach I had through my career. I’ve spent many years in Spain, where I grew like a player and reached my top. Current Veszprem’s coach Antonio Carlos Ortega, from which I have without doubt learned the most, managed to drive my talent to its top.
4M: Do you see yourself in handball after your playing career?
Handball has given me much and I have really learned much. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to try to transfer my knowledge on some younger generations.
5M: Which is, in your opinion world’s best handball palyer ever?
Jackson Richardson. It seemed extremely easy when he was playing. He was both, attractive and useful for the team and has, by that, proved that number of goals you score is not everything, that there are some other important things. Really special players which has brought revolution into the handball world.
6M: What do you think of today’s players compared to your generation? Which are the main differences?
Players are growing up much faster nowadays but they also have much higher goals set than what we used to. Expectations are much bigger from coaches, managers, clubs. On the other side, they also have much bigger and better chance to train and play than what we used to. I think that is probably the main difference. European clubs are by that much more open because there are no foreign player limitations. That can be an additional motive for them because if they do their best they might easily get the chance to play in some of the world’s best clubs which is amazing.
7M: Which is, in your opinion, SEHA GSS league’s best team?
CO Zagreb. They are Europe handball’s best for the last 20 years, not only speaking fo players but also in organization and everything which makes a big club. By that, former and present CO Zagreb’s players were and still are playing an important role in Croatian national team which is also world and European top last years.