SEHA Final 4 brings HANDBALL BACK: Follow us!

The big spectacle is just about to begin, top handball is back on stage – on Friday the two semi-finals of the SEHA – Gazprom League Final 4 will be thrown-off in Kresimir Cosic Hall - SC Visnjik in Zadar, followed by the final day on Sunday.
If you want to follow the pinnacle event of the ninth season of the SEHA - Gazprom League there are many opportunities to watch the matches and look behind the scenes. The Media and Social Team of the SEHA – Gazprom League keeps you updated throughout the whole event on those channels:
Facebook: @SEHALeague
Twitter: @SEHALeague
Instagram: @seha_league
Youtube: SEHA – Gazprom League
VKontakte: SEHA Gazprom League
Linkedin: SEHA d.o.o.
Or just check out those hashtags:
Watch the matches live here:
TV live broadcast on the following channels:
Arena Sport (CRO)
Arena Sport (BIH, MNE, MKD, SRB)
Arena Sport (SVK)
Sport Klub (POL)
Match TV (RUS)
Sport TV (SLO)
Spiler TV (HUN)
Livestream of all matches on: VKontakte (RUS, BLR)